Feature 005
Saturdays NYC & 303surfboards
Text by Three O Three
Photography by Shunya Arai
Photography by Shunya Arai
Feature 005  |  Saturdays NYC & 303surfboards  |  
Text by Three O Three
Photography by Shunya Arai
Photography by Shunya Arai
Saturdays NYC & 303surfboards
ニューヨークのソーホー、クロスビーストリートにサタデーズサーフ(現在はサタデーズ ニューヨークシティ)の旗艦店がオープンしたのは2009年のことでした。オフィスへ向かうニューヨーカーの朝の始まりにはオリジナル焙煎のエスプレッソバー。デイタイムからアフターワークには四季の移ろいに合わせてデザインされたファッションコレクションと、暮らしを彩るファインアートやライフスタイルアクセサリー、そして週末のサーフィンを楽しくさせてくれるサーフボードやサーフグッズがカスタマーを迎えます。その奥に広がるグリーンに囲まれたガーデンはメトロポリスの異空間を作り出し、アーティストやサーファー、シンカー、多岐にわたるスペシャリストたちがコーヒーを片手に行き交い、このワクワクさせるネーミングのショップは、ニューヨーカーの暮らし、仕事、サーフィンの意味を再定義させる場にもなりました。そんなソーホーのテイストそのままに、東京・代官山に日本の第一号店がお目見えしたのは2012年3月。店舗のオープニングはあいにくの冷たい雨でしたが、ソーホーの旗艦店の数倍広い店内は身動きができないほどのファッショニスタやサーファーたちが集まり熱気に包まれました。後に大阪、神戸、名古屋と拡がったサタデーズ。今では当たり前のように街のあちこちで見られるコーヒーバーの、間違いなく火付け役となったのは彼らであり、それまでは別々のカテゴリーだったファッションとサーフィンをつなげ、サーフショップと街が作り出す新しいエネルギーを癒合させて、それでも人の暮らしの中に寄り添いながら、美意識のある、健康的なサーフィンを根付かせてくれたことは間違いありません。
Surfing on your mind, always…
“Saturdays Surf “ flag ship store opened on Crosby Street, SOHO ,
New York , 2009.(*store name have been updated to “ Saturdays NYC” now.)
In the morning, Espresso Bar offers original roasted coffee for the New Yorker, who is rushing to the office. Selected fashion apparels are offered all day, fresh & new for every season, along with hand picked fine arts, even grittily 18K accessories that satisfy anyone who dropped in.
Do not forget the welcoming line up of hand shaped surfboard collection from California, to satisfy weekend surfers soul.
Store even have a back garden area, very rare for the store in the middle of the city, that served as a community space for artists, surfers, specialists or deep thinkers.
As a result, along with it’s inviting name, the shop redefined the life in New York, for who work & surf there.
Replicating the purpose of the shop, 1st Japanese version store was open March of 2012 in far east city of Tokyo, Daikanyama.
Unfortunately, it was a rainy cold day on the opening day but the store (3 times the size of Soho shop) was filled with surfers and fashionistas all day. Soon after, store spread to Osaka, Kobe and Nagoya. It was unique that Coffee was offered, much earlier than now popular Coffee Bar trend. Also, fashion items offered around culture of Surfing was very refreshing, merging the Apparel & Surfing under 1 roof, then transform it to everyday, refined & healthy lifestyle around the ocean.
Luckily, as soon as Daikanyama store has launched, the Saturdays crew and 303 crew’s friendship begun, our story was start building up.
Website state “We carry highest craftsmanship & traditional styling hand crafted surfboard, wetsuits, fine art, lifestyle accessory, along with pret-a –porte collection by Saturdays “
303 surfboard is offered via their stores in Japan, sometimes, even at their New York store.
Even from each Japan stores, home of the 303 is far from any of them, not to mention from New York ….but Saturdays crew as a “ fashion specialist “ and our crew as “ surfing specialist “ are building friendship very quick ever since the Daikanyama store launch.
Website state “We carry highest craftsmanship & traditional styling hand crafted surfboard, wetsuits, fine art, lifestyle accessory, along with pret-a –porte collection by Saturdays “
303 surfboard is offered via their stores in Japan, sometimes, even at their New York store.
Even from each Japan stores, home of the 303 is far from any of them, not to mention from New York ….but Saturdays crew as a “ fashion specialist “ and our crew as “ surfing specialist “ are building friendship very quick ever since the Daikanyama store launch.
2018年、夏の終わり。ふたつのプロジェクトがもちあがりました。ひとつは千葉公平がシェイプした無垢のブランクスに、オリジナルデザインをハンドペイントでのせたサタデーズ ニューヨークシティのボードコレクションを作ること。ふたつ目は、サタデーズのプレタポルテコレクションのブック撮影を303の故郷で行うというものでした。サタデース ニューヨークシティを主宰するMorgan CollettとColin Tunsrall のふたりはこう語ります。
2018 Fall collection
End of Summer 2018, two projects were proposed from Saturdays crew. First, build “ Saturdays NYC Board Collection “ hand shaped by Kohei Chiba, with hand painted original art on every board. Second, Look Book photo shooting for the Saturdays pret-a-porte collection, at beaches of Kochi , 303’s home turf.
Owners Morgan Collett & Colin Tunsall told :
“We have been lucky to come visit Kohei and the 303 team in Shikoku a couple times now. Its a very special place for us. Not only the good waves but the atmosphere and very nice people make it a place we can’t wait to come back and visit. We have talked with Kohei about all of his shapes and different model surfboards that we carry in our stores and on our last trip he gave us a first hand experience of seeing him and helping a little bit on. How he makes a board. His craftsmanship and artistry was impressive to watch. We respect him so much and are excited at the opportunity to hand paint a selection of boards for our stores in Japan”
Owners Morgan Collett & Colin Tunsall told :
“We have been lucky to come visit Kohei and the 303 team in Shikoku a couple times now. Its a very special place for us. Not only the good waves but the atmosphere and very nice people make it a place we can’t wait to come back and visit. We have talked with Kohei about all of his shapes and different model surfboards that we carry in our stores and on our last trip he gave us a first hand experience of seeing him and helping a little bit on. How he makes a board. His craftsmanship and artistry was impressive to watch. We respect him so much and are excited at the opportunity to hand paint a selection of boards for our stores in Japan”
そして1ヶ月も経たぬうちに、ふたたびファクトリーへやってきたのはサタデーズ ニューヨークシティのファッション撮影クルーでした。今度は303チームがサタデーズコレクションの世界の中へ。東京から送られてきた色とりどりの2018秋のコレクションアイテムは大きなフローリングの部屋を埋め尽くし、フィッティングが何度も行われてゆきました。海と空の青、山の緑しかないカントリーの中で、303の素人モデルたちは、サーフィンの世界にいるだけでは出会えなかったであろう素晴らしい撮影クルーと数日間を過ごしました。すべてはサタデーズ ニューヨークシティとの忘れられない思い出のひとこまです。
そして1ヶ月も経たぬうちに、ふたたびファクトリーへやってきたのはサタデーズ ニューヨークシティのファッション撮影クルーでした。今度は303チームがサタデーズコレクションの世界の中へ。東京から送られてきた色とりどりの2018秋のコレクションアイテムは大きなフローリングの部屋を埋め尽くし、フィッティングが何度も行われてゆきました。海と空の青、山の緑しかないカントリーの中で、303の素人モデルたちは、サーフィンの世界にいるだけでは出会えなかったであろう素晴らしい撮影クルーと数日間を過ごしました。すべてはサタデーズ ニューヨークシティとの忘れられない思い出のひとこまです。
“It was inspired by seeing the large hand painted signs throughout Japan. They work well along a perfectly designed building, object, or anything built with precision.
Its a simple swash of paint but is easily identifiable. Its not too loud but recognizable. If you can relate to this and appreciate then you will enjoy.“
Both visited 303 Factory and in the glassing room, they are quiet but looked very focused. They painted an art on each and every board with confidence . Our glassing crew made it sure that those art are visible and vibrant after the glass job, with their skilled technique.
In between the work, they enjoyed Surfing together, refreshed their mind and soul balance, then went back to the shop. It was a different type of working environment for them New Yorkers.
Within less than a month, they came back with Fashion Photo Crew. This time, 303 Crew was in the Saturdays NYC world. Boxes from Tokyo store filled the wood floor of our large living room, and stylist team worked for the fitting and coordination.
With simple blue ocean and sky, fresh green mountains in our country side setting, 303 crew, as first timer models, cherished the time with great photo team from New York. If they are not connected via Saturdays, they may have never met….but both enjoyed working and having fun together.
Those are few of unforgettable memories with Saturdays NYC.
Its a simple swash of paint but is easily identifiable. Its not too loud but recognizable. If you can relate to this and appreciate then you will enjoy.“
Both visited 303 Factory and in the glassing room, they are quiet but looked very focused. They painted an art on each and every board with confidence . Our glassing crew made it sure that those art are visible and vibrant after the glass job, with their skilled technique.
In between the work, they enjoyed Surfing together, refreshed their mind and soul balance, then went back to the shop. It was a different type of working environment for them New Yorkers.
Within less than a month, they came back with Fashion Photo Crew. This time, 303 Crew was in the Saturdays NYC world. Boxes from Tokyo store filled the wood floor of our large living room, and stylist team worked for the fitting and coordination.
With simple blue ocean and sky, fresh green mountains in our country side setting, 303 crew, as first timer models, cherished the time with great photo team from New York. If they are not connected via Saturdays, they may have never met….but both enjoyed working and having fun together.
Those are few of unforgettable memories with Saturdays NYC.