![Feature 002](https://303surf.com/wp_303/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/featurePC.jpg)
Feature 002
One from the Heart
Text by Three O Three
Photography by Keisuke Fukamizu
Photography by Keisuke Fukamizu
Feature 002  |  FRIENDSHIP  |  
Text by Three O Three
Photography by Keisuke Fukamizu
Photography by Keisuke Fukamizu
One from the Heart
The unforgettable Wave
There was a story in Jun’s blog few years back.“Kohei have huge influence on me. I have known him for quite some time, ever since I was a teenager, visiting Shikoku for the JPSA contests every year.He was, and still is a standout shaper and surfer in the area. We became very close, and he always gave me very important advice for things, even at my own home Hawaii. He is a North Shore’s regular for years, and he took me under his wing, pushed me to surf points like Pipe and Backdoor. He even picked me up from town for me to surf North Shore although he stays right at North Shore.We also have countless surf trips together.There are many people who are kind to me just because they want me to return some favors, but Kohei is not that kind, far from it. He is just one of those people, who is very, very kind, wise and pure. He gives a lot and not expecting any return.
ふたりには、ジュンが言うように、振り返ればたくさんの旅の思い出や、日本とハワイを互いが行き来したいくつものサーフセッションの記憶があります。そう。ふたりだけの忘れられない波。 それはまだジュンが日本のツアーを回っていた頃のことでした。灼熱の太陽が照りつける暑い暑い晩夏。天気図と自分の直感でしか台風の進路や風向き、うねりを予測できなかった時代。台風か らのスウェルを待ちながら静かにシェイプに明け暮れていた公平さんは、仕事を終えたある午後、ふと思いたって湘南に居るジュンに電話をしました。「明日の朝はきっとベストウェイブだよ。来 るなら今日の最終便で」と。「OK!」。最終便。スポンサーのステッカーとトランクスだけ持ったジュンは、到着ロビーに現れました。見事な手ぶらでした。ふたりは空港近くに宿をとり、夜明けとともに目で確認するより先に、波音を聞きました。それからはただ感動の連続でした。6フィート。快晴。無風。かつて見たこともない 延々に続くチューブ。1本の波は、3つのチューブセクションを作るパーフェクトウェイブでした。パドルバック&ゴー。自分たちが今いるシチュエーションを理解する間などないほど、歓喜と感動だけが先をいきました。
He have different taste in fashion, not like all other surfers who like to be recognized as a surfer, and feel the things bit differently from others. I learned from him, that being different is OK. He also made me feel confident to do things in different ways.He keep inspiring me and his brand, 303 Surfboard are the reflection of his style.He just do things his way without compromising. “
Kohei and Jun have flown many, many miles together over the pacific, and memories of trips and sessions are countless.There is one memorable surf session, right here in Shikoku. Jun was still in JPSA tour, in the late August, hot sunny days with possible Taifu swell coming in. No Cell phone or internet, nothing like Surfline were available. Surf forcast is solely based on the weather report and your instinct.Kohei was shaping and waiting for the right timing for the swell. That late afternoon, he dusted himself off, picked up the phone and called Jun, who was at Shonan, 800 Km away, saying, “ Hey Jun, I think tomorrow is the day. Tide will be perfect in the morning.” Jun replied “ OK!” and hang up.Jun arrived that night with the last flight from Tokyo, no bag, no surfboard, just a trunks and sticker from his sponsors. They stayed hotel near the airport, and hit the spot before the sun was up. Too dark to see the wave, but they both know from the sound of wave breaking , it will be an epic day. 6 foot, sunny and glassy, all day long.The spot have 3 different tube sections and they lined up seamlessly. Endless perfect tube was peeling and they surfed their brains out.
その日の波は、ふたりの“忘れられない波”となり、20年以上経った今も、その波を塗り替えるようなパーフェクションにはお目にかかれていない。たった一日の記憶であるけれども、Right time Right place-“その瞬間、その場所”にいたことへのささやかな誇りは、今もふたりの財産になっ ています。やがて、ジュンは2度の日本チャンピオンとなり、ツアーサーファーをリタイアした後、ハワイで独自のブランドを立ち上げ、プロを目指すサーファーたちのヒーローへとなっていきました。公平さんは変わらずシェイパー/サーファーとしての道を歩み、サーファーたちに最新鋭のサーフボードを作ると同時に、普遍的なサーフボードデザインを生み出し続けてきました。ジュンが作ろうと言ったJunJo modelはそんなふたりの共同作品。やがてタイプ3も世に送り出されます。こんなにも時が流れたというのに、その間にどれだけあの波を思い出したことでしょう。ささやかな、それでも生きるエナジーになる充足感に助けられることもしばしなのでしょう。
The day was unforgettable for both, and after over 20years , that day is still the best day ever at the point’s history. It was short lasted, one day only wave but the fact that Kohei and Jun was able to score that special day, is still the pride & joy that can be shared only with them.Jun went on to surf more contests, and became JPSA champion for few years. He retired from the tour, went back to Hawaii, start his own brand. Now, younger surfers looking up to him, even admire what he have achieved.Kohei still surfs & shapes in Shikoku, providing cutting edge surfboard designs for the top surfers, also classic alternative designs for the locals and life long surfers all over the island. They collaborated and create the very successful model called Jun Jo Model, which Type #3 will be released soon.Even after 20 plus years, memory of that particular surf session still provide Jun and Kohei a joy, peace and pride , may be even helped to keep their motivations to get going with whatever they are doing at the time……with their own styles.
ミニボードが世間を席巻していた頃。ジュンは思いました。ただマッシーな波をスルスル滑るだけでなく、小波でも波のポケットを捉えられ、しかも3-4フィートのファンウェイブまでカバーできる、そして気軽にその1本で旅にも出られるボードは作れないだろうか。ふたりは1年以上の歳月をかけて、日本とハワイを行き来しながら色々な波でボードをテストし、303×JunJo modelを完成させました。ノーズにボリュームはあるけれどロッカーは無くさず、縛られたラウンドピンテールでコントロール性が保たれたパフォーマンスボード。しかも5プラグ。ミニサイズあり、ノーマルサイズあり、大柄な人やパドルに自信がなくなった人へボリューミーなサイズ展開もありの頼れるボードの完成でした。さらにパフォーマンス化した303×JJ2は、よりシャープなノーズを求める代わりに、ワイドスカッシュテールで安定感を増しました。JUN・JO MODEL
When Mini Board became “the thing”, Jun was thinking….”Not only just glide easier on mushy wave, I want the board to curve the pocket and hit the rip better. That should work from super small ankle high wave to solid 3~4 foot wave. If that is possible, I only need to take 1 board to most of the trips….” The discussion with Kohei was kept going for over an year, and they tested proto types both in Japan and Hawaii, 303 x Jun Jo Model was born.Decent volume on the nose area, with modern rocker, narrow round pin tail , this hogh performance model provide easy control on any conditions. With it’s 5 plug set up, you can chose mini size, normal size, or longer, thicker size. This dependable design would fit to any need for any level of surfers.2nd generation, 303 x JJ2 have narrower nose to perform sharper moves, that have balanced with wider squash tail to keep the character of the model.
Yujiro Tsuji rode this particular model during his successful run at JPSA tour, eventually became Grand Champion. This proves that 303 x JJ2 model does it all.Jun was Yujiro’s team mate and mentor, and when Yujiro was very young, he gave an advice to him “ Hey Yujiro, you are sweet kid, but you have to have a switch to be tough guy. Especially in the contest, you have to turn your switch onto become a tiger! “ Eventually, he used the switch, all the way to become a Japanese champion surfer.All of our 303 surfboard models have a story like this. We do not necessary tell the story all the time, but the surfer will feel it when they ride the wave with our boards.Regardress of what shape or length is “in” , or what design is believed to work the best, stories, experiments and tests will make all of our boards somewhat special to the surfers.Kohei believes he rides boards with his heart, not with his head.With that, story will be told, then passed on to the owner of the board.Just like the friendship that has been going from Kohei to Jun, then Jun to Yujiro.