工場というより、ニュアンスは工房です。千葉公平、鴻野吉次、柿原隆。一人一人がそれぞれ3つのパートに向かい、一本一本を丁寧に仕上げる静かな手仕事を続けています。 3人は優秀なサーファーであり、今や日本屈指のボードビルダーです。このトライアングルはいつも信頼関係を保ち、サーフィンを続け、サーファーのためのより 良いサーフボードづくりに日々精進しています。

It is more of a studio than a shop or factory. 303 is a collaborative space for Kohei Chiba, Yoshiji Kono and Takashi Kakihara. They have a specialty in the board making process, well known for three of the best board builders of Japan. These 3 friends trust each other, surf together, and dedicate their lives to making better boards, proudly all by hand.


千葉 公平 / Kohei Chiba

The first wave he caught in Hawaii, trips all around the world, and rapid change in board design from Single fin, Twin fin, to Thruster, all through the 80’s, have been the foundation of Kohei’s desire to be a shaper. It has been 35 years since he laid his first Clark foam on the shaping stand and followed his dream to shape the best hand shaped board. His desire to create surfing fun has never changed.


鴻野 吉次 / Yoshiji Kono

Just with a glance on the pure white shaped blanks, Yoshiji will see and understand its design, suitable wave, and future owner. He can even imagine how the board will draw a line on the wave. With years of surfing countless waves and time spent at his home turf Shikoku, trips to North Shore, Indo or South Africa, Yoshiji gained the knowledge and technique to color and glass the board with perfection. Plain white blanks will transform into an art form with his skillful resin work. Attention will be paid to weather, temperature, and even the slight change of moisture in the air.


柿原 隆 / Takashi Kakihara

After the glassing, the Sander needs to feel the rail, the bottom and every other detail to recreate the shapers job. His passion and skill to do so is second to none. It is a very delicate process and he does it very well. Takashi spent years in competitive surfing and he knows the importance of tuning the board for the competitors. With his passion, Yujiro Tsuji became JPSA Grand Champ in 2014, and he was the proudest and happiest person in Shikoku. He is more exited than ever, to tune up and produce the perfect boards for the groms under his wings.


鴻野吉次と柿原隆が始めたフィン工房の歴史も20年余年。数少ないメイドインジャパンブランドの老舗として、ここ四国海部の工房で一枚一枚の手づくりを続けています。かつてサーフボードがオンフィンだった時代からフィンを作り、サーフボードに完璧なフィンナップ。彼らはフィン職人としての顔も持ちます。303サーフボードのオプショナルグラスフィンラインは、すべてが“MAKE FIN”製。テストを繰り返して型どったオリジナルテンプレートです。その愛らしいロゴは千葉公平がフリーハンドでデザインしました。大量生産とは無縁の、ここにしかない、ここでしか手に入らないハイエンドグラスフィンです。

About 20 years ago, Yoshiji and Takashi started artisan fin studio, which focuses on design and produce perfectly foiled hand made fins. They have been doing this ever since the time that all fins have been glassed on. The art of glassing the fin directly on the board is still alive and well here at MAKEFIN. All the templates are tried and true originals, and they come with Kohei’s hand drawn logo. All the 303’s optional glass fins are made by MAKEFIN. These fins are individually unique, and you can’t get them anywhere else.